Friday, July 26, 2024
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Nail fungus also known as onychomycosis is an annoying relative who arrives one day, destroys your peace of mind and is not leaving you.  Now let us examine from where this unwanted guest is coming.  Sometimes you may be predisposed to this condition with an abnormal skin pH, or you may be having a weak immune system. Sweaty shoes, wearing synthetic socks, prolonged exposure to moisture etc also can bring this condition. At first you may think it as silly, but by the time your nails become yellow and thick with swelling you start worrying about the treatment options.

Is there any reliable treatment for the nail fungus? There are some topical treatments and some reliable medicines that you can get from the chemist. Instead of this you can try home remedies also. Some such home remedies are discussed in this article.

Sodium Borate with baking soda

Using a combination of above chemicals creates the most unfavorable environment for the fungus. Take sodium borate with baking soda in equal proportions and make a paste and apply them to the wet feet. Coax the paste to all the nails including the affected nail. Continue this process twice a day till the fungus is cleared. To make sure they have gone forever, continue the application of the paste for two more weeks

Coconut oil

Your nail fungus may be stubborn, but you have to be spunky. Don’t worry, coconut oil can help you a lot in this regard. You simply keep on applying a thin layer of this oil to the nail and the skin surrounding it. Before bath, let your nail and the surrounding area be soaked in coconut oil. Let it remain there for about 15-20 minutes and then you wash it off.

Apple cider vinegar

We have often seen apple cider vinegar being used in large number of salads and pastas. This can be used very effectively to make your nails free from fungus. Make 1:1:6 solutions of vinegar, epsom salt, and warm water. Try this solution twice a day for half an hour. Your nail fungus will fly away.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is also a very useful home remedy. Clean the affected part with alcohol and apply tree tea oil gently onto the affected nail/nails with a discarded toothbrush. Repeat it once in every day till the nail is free from fungus.  Continue this for another two weeks to avoid recurrence.

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