Friday, July 26, 2024
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Whether you got some extra time off from your work or not, the holidays are often the best time for catching up on those home additions contractors that you forgot because of your hectic schedule. Since you will probably have house guests over during the holidays, why not use the time to finish those projects you have wanted to do for the longest time? Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Prioritize Your Projects

The best way for staying motivate is to prepare a to-do list. You should have a specific goal in mind, such as completing a big project at the certain time. Never sweat the small items that you tackle during weekends or work week.

Holidays can also give you the best time for other projects you can do on your own, such as cleaning or repainting the cupboards, and organizing the closets. A good tip when trying to do a major reorganization is not to purchase new cleaning products. If you will have to deep clean several areas, you can use first the existing cleaning items you go, and only buy more if you need it. This way, you won’t bring in more unnecessary clutter to your home.

Prepare Your House for Guests

If you will have family or friends during the holidays for an extended visit, your main worry is probably not having enough room for everyone. Such concerns may make you do some projects that you didn’t plan in the first place.

For added space for your guests, you can add a sunroom to your house. A properly insulated sunroom can function as a guestroom on holidays, and provide additional living space once your guests leave. To keep a consistent temperature at your sunroom throughout the year, see to it that you have properly installed doors and windows.

If the existing space lets the air out or is drafty, you can replace the doors and windows to help you retain a consistent temperature no matter what the season is.

Added Value

When you tackle a project whether on your own or with the help of a home improvement contractor dc to prepare for houseguests during the holidays, it is always best that you prioritize and begin with those that can give you the best return on investment for your house. While a clean and organized house is always worthy of appreciation, replacement doors and windows, and a sunroom addition can further add value to your property and boost its energy efficiency.

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