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In the age of social media and the internet, it is not difficult at all to plan a beautiful wedding. After all, the internet is full of many ideas for tents and other decorations. So, you have unlimited sources of inspiration that will help you with your big day! You can also contact wedding tent rentals for more advice and expert opinion.

The most important considerations

Are you planning a wedding party outdoors? Well, you will have to rent a tent. However, for those who are renting a tent for the first time, it might not be easy to decide. In this article, we put together everything that you should know.

What about the style

When you are finding wedding tents, you should check how the tent is set up before renting it. This is because most of the tents have aluminium frames while the material is vinyl. Of course, you can also find other materials and the cost of every material differs.

Materials are important because they completely change the look of the tent. So, you should choose one based on the theme of your wedding.

The positioning of the tents

You must check whether you will need a single tent or more than one. This would depend on the size of your wedding and the size of the venue itself. So, you should keep these limitations in mind. In this regard, you can contact any good wedding tents service and ask for their advice. The sales agent will do a survey of the venue location and give you advice accordingly.

The layout

The layout of the wedding is also very important. That is because you will need gift tables, buffet dance floors, and band stages. So, you should remember that you will have to incorporate multiple bars in the layout. Similarly, the shape of the tables and chairs may also greatly affect the layout of the reception.

If your budget is small, you will want to maximize the square footage accordingly. For instance, long tables that are rectangular cover a lot more room. This is especially true if you set them up individually and spread them out throughout the venue.

Consider multiple tents

If your event is bigger and you have a large guest list, then consider arranging multiple canopies. Furthermore, you can set up multiple canopies to divide the venue up. For instance, one canopy can be used for the bride and bridesmaids to get ready, while the main canopy will host guests. Similarly, a separate canopy can be set for dinner. The possibilities are endless.


In the end, another thing that you should consider is the catering. After all, without dinner, your wedding party will be incomplete. Make sure that the catering tent is large enough and covers at least 400 square feet of area space. This way, you will be able to host all guests during dinner time.

Have a contingency plan

Remember that not everything will always go your way. So, it is very important to have a contingency plan. This will be your backup on which you will rely if your main plan does not work. For instance, what if unexpected weather conditions ruin your event? Similarly, what if the tents at your venue malfunction? Make a list of all the things that can go wrong and keep a backup plan for them.


It is much easier to plan a wedding during the summer season as compared with the winter. Make sure that you have hired good wedding party rentals Rockland NY. This way, you will not have to worry about the tents anymore knowing that the work is in good hands.

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